Over twenty-five years, what began as the story of Hunter Rose, the talented young author who became the city's most feared assassin and criminal overlord, evolved into a prolonged examination of authority, society, and that dark mechanism of nature-violence. Now, take a step inside one of the most daring projects ever created, as Matt Wagner guides you through the artwork that changed contemporary comics forever.
Many artists have lent their vision to the seductive mystery that is Grendel, and this handsome hardcover volume contains rare and never-before-seen work-including production sketches and designs-by Tim Sale, Teddy Kristiansen, John K. Snyder III, Edvin Biukovic, and more!* Also features a gallery of guest artists, with pinups by Frank Miller, Paul Pope, Dave Johnson, Tony Harris, and more!Celebrating twenty-five years of Hell!
Publication Date: Oct 10, 2007 Format: Full color, 200 pages, Hard cover, 9" x 12" Price: $39.95 Age range: 16+ ISBN-10: 1-59307-789-0ISBN-13: 978-1-59307-789-1